Subscriptions: Scaled - Online subscription services, Subscription business, SaaS subscriptions

On the Growth of the Subscription Industry with Robbie Kellman Baxter, Founder of Peninsula Strategies LLC

Episode Summary

In this week’s episode of Subscriptions: Scaled, we discuss the subscription industry with Robbie Kellman Baxter, founder of Peninsula Strategies LLC and author of The Membership Economy.

Episode Notes

In this week’s episode of Subscriptions: Scaled, we discuss the subscription industry with Robbie Kellman Baxter, founder of Peninsula Strategies LLC and author of The Membership Economy.

Robbie is an industry expert and is a speaker, author, and consultant on subscriptions. Throughout the episode, we learn about Robbie’s experience in the sector and her advice for brands that are currently using or hoping to use a subscription model.

The episode begins with Robbie sharing why she believes subscriptions are so relevant today. She also discusses why many businesses are deciding to turn to subscriptions. Robbie also talks about the growth of subscription technology.

Robbie discusses how the subscription industry has changed over the past five to ten years. She explains that thanks to new technology, creating a subscription model is easier than ever for businesses.

Throughout the episode, Robbie advises businesses on best practices for creating a subscription model. She also discusses the different types of subscriptions available, including models she doesn’t believe will work particularly well.

Robbie also discusses subscription fatigue. This refers to a potential 'tiring' of consumers signing up for subscriptions.

Learn all about the subscription industry by tuning into the latest episode of Subscriptions: Scaled with Robbie Kellman Baxter, founder of Peninsula Strategies LLC and author of The Membership Economy.


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