In this episode of the Subscriptions: Scaled podcast, Nick Fredrick, President of Rebar Technology Solutions, is joined by Rachel Soper Sanders, CEO and Co-founder at Rootine. Rootine is a consumer-driven health and human performance company whose mission is to enable users to leverage technology and personalized health data to deliver customized micronutrient formulas as well as plan and track a path to optimal health and performance.
In this episode of the Subscriptions: Scaled podcast, Nick Fredrick, President of Rebar Technology Solutions, is joined by Rachel Soper Sanders, CEO and Co-founder at Rootine. Rootine is a consumer-driven health and human performance company whose mission is to enable users to leverage technology and personalized health data to deliver customized micronutrient formulas as well as plan and track a path to optimal health and performance.
Rachel’s decade-long experience in the healthcare space led her toward a more customer-direct, data-driven, and education-centered approach. She and Nick discuss the challenges in delivering a tailored, precision product at a reasonable price and with tight turnaround time. They discuss the type of high-performance customers who have been attracted to the data-driven experience and subsequent user engagement and retention.
Additionally, the increased focus on personal health during the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the type of information offered through the Rootine platform and is a timely topic of discussion. Lastly, they touch on a variety of subjects ranging from data security to the internal and external human resource philosophy at Rootine, along with challenges encountered when scaling a subscription model.
To get started and learn more about Rootine and Rachel Soper Sanders, be sure to listen to the podcast and visit:
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